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Writing to learn
How to do a classroom JournalBenefits and negative effects
Journal is an incredibly flexible instructional tool, useful
across the entire curriculum. While often used as a
class startup activity, it is used primarily to give
students an opportunity to speculate on paper,
confident that their ideas, observations, emotions,
and writing will be accepted without criticism.
Writing to learn:
Journal writing is an incredibly flexible instructional tool,
useful across the entire curriculum. While often used
as a class startup activity, it is used primarily to give
Writing to learn is based on the assumption that
students’ thoughts and understanding can grow and
clarify through the process of writing. And growth in
thought and understanding can certainly happen in the
foreign language classroom.
How to do a classroom journal :
The negative effects:
Use of journals does have two possible downsides,
1. The potential for the teacher to hurt students'
feelings with criticism.
Remedy: Offer constructive criticism rather than a
2. The loss of instructional time needed to teach
course material.
Find over a hundred journal topics in these four lists:
1-Self Understanding and Clarifying Thoughts and
Positions Topics dealing with various aspects of
"who I am, why I'm that way, what I value, and
what I believe."
2-Interpersonal Relationships Topics dealing with
"what I want in a friend, who are my friends, what
I expect of friends, and how I relate
to family members, teachers, and other
significant people in my life."
3-Speculation and viewing from a different
Topics causing the writer to predict or see things from
an unusual perspective. These may be highly creative
such as "describe the events of yesterday from the
perspective of your hair."
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