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~ Psalms 147:3
Teacher: You missed schoo
l yesterday, didn’t you?
Pupil: Not very much!
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Active Learning
The Term:
The term relates to the three learning domains
referred to as knowledge, skills and attitudes
(KSA), and that this taxonomy of learning behaviors
can be thought of as "the goals of the learning
In particular, students must engage in such higher-
order thinking tasks as analysis, synthesis, and
evaluation. Active learning engages students in two
aspects – doing things and thinking about the things
they are doing.
An activity based curriculum might also focus on
learning through play. For example, teachers might
use interactive games to develop key skills in
English. This teaching method encourages learners
to seek new experiences, develop an interest in
learning, strengthen their vocabulary and read new
books. These actions foster curiosity and critical
thinking in students. Most importantly, it enables
them to understand and learn from their own
1-Learner-centered Teaching.
2-Characteristics of a good teacher.
4- A problem solution approach.
5-Story Jokes for real communication
6-Film Circles
7-Selecting the right alternative test.
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