My Researching Project

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الذى فى الاعلى
Change is an inevitable part of organizational life and
if you have any
leadership role, you'll soon be called
upon to help lead it. But, we often fear change.
This leads to resistance. So, managing and leading
change is a challenging role. It will take you
of your comfort zone and beyond your existing
management and
supervision tool-set.
Research Content
The vision is (Developing our Education system)..
It has been known for decades that teachers
can have a profound effect on the students they teach.
Education policies can make a significant difference
in a teacher’s work, which in turn affects their
When expert teachers are actively engaged in the
development of education policy and initiatives,
achieving the intended outcomes and avoiding
unintended consequences is more likely.
The reason for doing such research is that I and my
The teachers worked individually without any
collaboration with their managers or school leaders
Teachers did't like change.
They used
traditional method of teaching like the
GTM method. Learners were just listeners or stores
waiting for being filled with some information that
were learnt by heart.
Learners knew nothing about any critical thinking
like practice, analysis, synthesis, evaluation,
imagination, creation or innovation. They didn't use
technology in learning. There were no meeting
areas between the organization managers and the
people who working with them.
In the traditional approach to college teaching,
most class time is spent with the professor lecturing
and the students watching and listening.
The teacher translates the text and explains the
grammatical structure without any practice.
It is a teacher -centered learning method.
The students work individually on assignments,
and cooperation is
In the traditional approach to college teaching, most
class time is spent with the professor lecturing and
the students watching and listening. The students
work individually on assignments, and
is discouraged.
Active learning:
How do you practise active Learning:
above mind-mapped presentation shows you
that in "Active Learning ",
the teacher enables his
learners to think, pair and share.
A-The word"Think" means that the teacher should
encourage the process of critical thinking of
his learners.
The learners must think of solutions to the problems
they study by themselves under the guide and support
the teacher . The learner asks questions like
" What, how, how come,
why, where...?".
Then, he must think of his plan to work by himself
an independent learner to do practical learning.
This approach addresses
the long memory learning.
B-The teacher also, encourages his learners to
"pair", namely, the learner can share his task with
his pair as a kind of co-operative learning to
the lesson objectives. Working in pairs creates
exchanging views and mutual
evaluation as standards of critical
lovely is the word "share" in all fields of life!!!
In education, the word" Share" means that the teacher
enables his learners to work in group work or a team
work composed of 6 learners for each group.
The group includes 6 members that play the roles
of a leader, presenter, a dictator, a writer , a timer
and an organizer. These roles can be exchanged.
There is a good saying. It says: " To share, is to care. "
2-Active learning directs the learner to dialogue with
himself to explore knowledge by himself and dialogue
with others to communicate till they reach the solutions
of their problems, researches, cases or projects at the
time they resort to experimental learning to do, to
observe the results, to evaluate the results ,
to reach the truth and to carry out their projects.
3-Activities inside the class through pair work, group
work and sometimes individual work take place
through the process of the learner's interaction
with the teacher, with the course content, with his
pair, with his peers, with the environment and with
the internet network.
There are activities outside the classroom.
Resorting to the library to consult the dictionaries,
encyclopedias and other scientists' works beside
working with actual situations in real life represent
the learner's
activities outside the classroom.
Outside school activities enable learners to
communicate with the society and environmentally directly.
The purpose of the discussion is to interpret and
describe the
significance of our findings in light of
what was already known about the research problem
being investigated and to explain any new
understanding or
insights that emerged as a result
of our study of the problem.
The discussion will always connect to the
introduction by way of the research questions or
I posed and the literature I reviewed, but the
discussion does not simply repeat or rearrange
the first parts of my paper; the discussion clearly
explains how my study advanced the reader's
understanding of
the research problem from
where I left them at the end of my review of prior
DISCUSSION provides the explanation and
of results or findings by comparing with the findings in
prior studies. Then, I can say that: compared to the
previous study about (Education and Development),
I say that my research is different .
My research recommended the following:
Active learning:
“The empirical results reported herein should be
considered in the light of some limitations.”
Here are these limitations:
1-Time constraints
Just as researchers have deadlines to turn in
class papers, academic researchers also must
meet the deadline for submitting a research
manuscript to a journal.
Therefore, the time available to study a research
problem and to measure change over time is
constrained by the deadline of my “assignment.”
I should have Made sure I choose a research
problem that I will be able to complete well
before the
assignment’s deadline. If time
constraints negatively impacted my
study in
any way, acknowledge this impact by mentioning
a need for a future study (e.g., a longitudinal
study) to answer this research problem.
2-Conflicts arising from cultural bias and
other personal issues
Researchers might be biased views due to
cultural backgrounds or perspectives of certain
phenomena, and this can affect a study’s
Also, it is possible that researchers will have
biases toward data and results that only support
their hypotheses or arguments.
In order to avoid these problems, the
author(s) of
a study should examine whether the way the
problem was stated and the data-gathering
process were carried out appropriately. I found
a difficulty ,but I did it .
3-More study:

2-Assessment and Evaluation page.
3-Multiple Choice test requirements
4-Learning / Pedagogy and Assessment.