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When I hear I forget,
when I see I remember,
when I practice, I learn,
When I learn, I analyze,
When I analyze, I synthesize,
When I synthesize, I evaluate,
1. Your Mindset
The root of all success lies in the mind. What you want
to achieve, will materialize if have a clear mindset.
A clear mindset will create the purpose for any action.
A clear purpose will burn the desire for success.
2. Know Your Learning Style
Most of us have three dominant ways of learning. If we
are a Visual person, we tend to learn through the use
of images (mind maps would be great) and videos.
Our learning aids should support our preferred way
of learning. We could also be an Auditory person.
An auditory person likes to listen. Background music,
audio recording of lectures and videos with excellent
audio would probably be a great help.
3. Create the Best
Environment for Success
To be productive in studying for exams and to learn
faster, many students would prefer a conducive
environment – relatively quiet and in comfort.
You would need all these to stay in-focus. Focus on
what you are studying, is of essential for success.
Your mind must be in sync with the physical
surroundings for it to be at its best.
4. Manage Time
There is a limit to which our body and mind could stay focus.
It is recommended by many to keep a learning session
approximately two hours. Then you should take a breather.
5. Have a Good Rest
Rest is important. Danger is lurking round corners for
students who put in everything in the eleventh hours,
running without a decent sleep and off he goes to the
exam hall…. and he snoozes his way through the
3-hour exam session. Have a good sleep, and have
a good break between study sessions – relax your mind.
You could do this by watching TV, jog around the
neighborhood or go to the park.
The magic in studying smart and learning faster lies in
you. It is about how you study and how you manage
yourself. With the right mindset and purpose, you will
mange yourself to greater success in life.
Why Learning?
1) You can grow as a person, develop your knowledge
2) Base and improve yourself for the better.
3) You could potentially earn more money in your work
life from learning a new and appropriate skill or by
developing one that links to the work you do. You’ll
rejuvenate your working life and get so much more
from it.
4) Developing a new skill will influence the way you do
things day to day and they will make doing things
quicker and easier, saving time, energy and stress.
5) Learning across our lives is essential for staying up
to date in an ever-changing world.
6) Learning new things is very important for our
self-esteem. Learning something new keeps brain
cells active and allows us to succeed at something
new, allowing us to give ourselves a big pat on the back.
View Resources:
1-Competency-based teaching.
2-Pair work.
6-Chalk Talk
7-Tilo Project.
8-Lesson plan.
9-Leadership Skills.
10-Learning styles.
11-A model Lesson.
12-Teaching spelling.
13- Critical thinking 1
14- Critical thinking 2
15-Critical Thinking Test.
16-Learning strategies.
3- ELT workshop
4-Brain Stormng
5-Lexical Approach:
6- / Digital Literacy /
9--Teaching diverse and multi-cultured l
11-Merdia literacy lesson plan
13-Learning Outcomes.
14-Talking to learn.
15-English Literature
16--How to teach a novel.
17-Talented,gifted and slow learners.
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