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(Project: Media Literacy. Unit:..1............. Lesson: 1......... )
Lesson Title:
Fake or True ?
Let's communicate collaboratively and critically.
-Today's lesson talks about (Media Literacy
Education). It also talks about the importance
of creating a free, positive, and safe media
environment as well as practical tips for being
better contributors.
-Studying the influence of mass media on our
lives allows students to view advertising in a
new light. This lesson provides students with
the opportunity to look at mass media in a
critical way.
Students become aware of the tremendous
amount of advertising that they are exposed to
on a daily basis. By looking at advertising
critically, students begin to understand how the
media oppresses certain groups, convinces
people to purchase certain products, and
influences culture.
The Objectives:
By the end of the lesson , learners become
able to:
1--Access,analyze, evaluate, create, reflect and
act against the fake .
2-Supporting the true advertisement, poster,
event, story or text either it is audio, visual, audio-
visual or printed text through communication,
collaboration, creation and critical thinking skills.
Learners analyze the advertisement to discover
if ir is fake or reliable.
3- Spot fake news, Events, stories,
advertisements, films or texts.
Featured Resources:
2-Analyze a daily-life event and a printed journal
news text.
-The Material used:
A video tape, a CD, a TV advertisement, daily-life
event and a library journal scientific news.
-Standards: High school students
standards in Egypt.
-Time: 45 minutes.
Teaching aids and online technology:
Video tape, computer, TV, CD and a library
-Techniques / Strategy:
Call and Response
Teachers can improve students' critical reading
and viewing skills through interactive learning
activities that make use of a wide
range of nonfiction media, including film,
television, print, and the Internet.
Four classroom learning experiences designed
to facilitate careful analysis of the ways in which
media messages are constructed The critical
thinking method depends on (Access, analysis,
Evaluation,Creation Reflection and acting.
Warm up :
- What do you know about today's lesson?
-Are all news, events, posters and
advertisements true and reliable?-why?
( New vocabulary, Activity 1) :
-The teacher creates an authentic situation to
use the new vocabulary in meaningful questions
and answers.
(Critical Thinking, Activity 2)
- Where was the poster published?
- How was this poster made?
- Why was this poster made?
- When was this poster made?
- What is this poster missing?
- Where do I go from here?
Group A learners wrote a report and the group
presenter presented it to the whole class.
2-Group B learners do creation .
They created a reliable poster instead of the
previous fake poster that group A had analyzed
and evaluated. They acted it through doing
creation,reflection and acting in terms of
communication and collaboration .The teacher
monitors, guides, advises and checks.
- Where was the advertisement published?
- How was this advertisement made?
- Why was this advertisement made?
- When was this advertisement made?
- What is this advertisement missing?
-I, as a teacher, worked as an (Orchestra master).
I monitored, advised, guided encouraged and
checked .
- Where was the daily-life event published?
- How was this daily-life event made?
- Why was this daily-life event made?
- When was this daily-life event made?
- What is this daily-life event missing?
- Where was the scientific news published?
- How was this scientific news made?
- Why was this scientific news made?
- When was this scientific news made?
- What is this scientific news missing?
Assessment was based on collaboration,
communication, analysis, evaluation, creation,
reflection, acting, listening, speaking, reasoning,
knowledge, attitudes and performance.It included:
1-Self assessment.
2-Peer assessment.
3-Tutor assessment.
4-Interviewer assessment.
5-Trainer assessment.
Assessment Tools:
1-Discussion, interviews, surveys and
questionnaires to gauge the credibility of media
information, reading, analyzing, decoding,
understanding and interpreting the media and the
content they convey, as well as creating and
producing messages.
2-Media Conference Recording sheet.
3-Check lists to measure ways of thinking,
processing and interpreting media information.
4-Quantity Survey Research.
5-Qualitative interviews.
6-Standards register that focus on principles of
journalism—skepticism, using informed judgment,
asking questions, and assessing information-
collecting processes..
7-Media Portfolio Reflection Sheet.
8-The rubric that allows you to assess work in more
than one way and that makes expectations clear to
9- Electronic Portfolios that include using media;
understanding media; and contributing media.
Digital portfolio, is a collection of electronic evidence
assembled and managed by a user, usually on the
Web.A developmental e-portfolio is a record of things
that the owner has done over a period of time, and
may be directly tied to learner outcomes or rubrics.
12-Observation sheets including 3
B-During Observation.
C-Post observation.
13-Data Collection and Analysis Form. The
interviews are conducted online and recorded,
using an online audio and video conferencing
software application.
14-A web-based survey instrument is developed
using the results from qualitative data analysis
which provided guidance for areas of interest.
15-Writing Reports.
1-Media are constructions:
Does the student show an understanding of how the
media product was created? (Few media products are made by a single author.
What were the different contributions of different
creators to the final product?)
How well does the student analyze how the creators’
Beliefs or assumptions are reflected in the content?
2-Audiences negotiate meaning:
Does the student show an understanding of this
concept, andof what elements in a medium or a
particular product would be relevant to it?
Can the student identify the intended audience of a
media product, as well as which other possible
audiences might view it differently?
How well does the student identify and analyze the
ways that different audiences might view the media
product differently?
3-Media have commercial implications:
Does the student show a knowledge and
understanding of the commercial factors influencing
the creation of this media product?
understanding of how the media product was financed
and who owns it?
How well does the student analyze how the content
of the media product was influenced either by
commercial factors or by who created and/or
owned it?
4-Media have social and political implications:
Does the student show an understanding of this key
understanding of how this medium communicates
ideas and values?
(For example):
what kinds of characters are present and which kinds
are absent?
Who is shown in a positive light, and who is shown in
a negative light?
Who is shown as having control over their lives, and
who is not?
How well does the student analyze the significance
of the conscious or unconscious, explicit or implicit
messages identified in a media product?
All the learners were involved and used
technology in learning..
1-Media Literacy Curriculum.
3-Education and development.
4- Learner-centered Teaching.
5-Leadership and Management.
9-Intercultural Communication
11-Human Resources Management.
13-Educational leadership and policy.
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