(Intercultural communication)
A Research
Cultural Understanding

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5-To influence. 6-To motivate. 7-To persuade.
allows people to communicate with
great precision. The Language and
group studies how people use language in specific
discourse contexts, to share information with others,
and to persuade or otherwise affect them.
The problems in intercultural communication usually
come from problems in
message transmission.
In communication between people of the same
culture, the person who receives the message
interprets it based on
values, beliefs, and
expectations for behavior similar to those of the
person who sent the message.
When this happens, the way the message is
interpreted by the receiver is likely to be fairly
similar to what the speaker intended. However,
when the receiver of the message is a person
from a different culture, the receiver uses
information from his or her culture to interpret
the message. The message that the receiver
interprets may be very different from what the
speaker intended.
This study enables you to:
Why Intercultural communication?
The world today is characterized by an ever growing
number of contacts resulting in communication
between people with different linguistic and
cultural backgrounds.
This communication takes place because of contacts
within the areas of business, military cooperation,
science, education, mass-media, entertainment,
tourism but also because of immigration brought
about by labor shortage or political conflicts.
Fast travel, international media, and the Internet
have made it easy
for us to communicate with
people all over the world. The process of economic
globalization means that we cannot function in
isolation but must interact with the rest of the
world for survival.
The global nature
of many widely diverse modern
problems and issues such as the
governance of the Internet, poverty and international
terrorism call for cooperation between nations.
Intercultural communication is no longer an option,
but a necessity.
Ethnic and cultural identity
Cultural identities and ethnicity are becoming more
relational and contextual, as well as constantly
They are complex, ambiguous and multifaceted.
Cultural identities are negotiated, co-created, and
reinforced in
communication with others.
They reflect our unique, personal life
histories and
experiences. They may also be seen as
manifestations of social reality.
Racial identity
Race has been defined as a group of persons related
by common descent or heredity. It is a classification
of modern humans
based on an arbitrary selection
of physical characteristics as skin color, facial form,
or eye shape. Race is a social construction of human
difference that is used to classify human beings into
separate value-based categories.
refers to a group of people sharing a common
and distinctive culture,
religion, language, etc.
Furthermore, it has been explained as the
attribute of
membership in a group set off by racial, territorial,
economic, religious, cultural, aesthetic, or linguistic
Ethnicity has been seen as a cultural marker that
indicates shared traditions, heritage, and ancestral
origins; ethnicity is defined psychologically and
historically. On the other hand ethnic identity may be
explained as an emotional bond that people share that
originates from their past and that gives them an
emotional force to claim their historical origins.
It is commonly understood that culture and cultural
are umbrella terms that subsume racial and
ethnic identity. Culture has
been defined as learned
and shared values, beliefs, thinking patterns and
behavior common to a particular group of people.
Culture forges a group's identity and assists in its
survival.Institutions, language, social structures and
various practices shared by a group of individuals
are also part of culture.
In addition, the individuals are connected by an
ancestral heritage, often linked to a particular
The purpose of the discussion is to interpret and describe the
significance of our findings in light of what was already
known about the research
problem being investigated
and to explain any new understanding or
insights that
emerged as a result of our study of the problem.
DISCUSSION provides the explanation and interpretation of
results or
findings by comparing with the findings in prior
Then, I can
say that: compared to the previous study about
(Intercultural Communication), I say that my research is
My research recommended the following:
Courses on the theory and content of intercultural
communication tend
to evaluate knowledge by
means of written examination and essay.
Alternatively projects may involve students applying
their theoretical knowledge to particular communicative
situations or conducting
small‐scale ethnographic or
case study research from home.
Evaluation of intercultural communication as practice
may occur in the
assessment of general language
courses (e.g. translation), but since
communication is not systematically taught as part
of general language courses, formalized assessment
is not widespread. In some institutions, however,
the practice of writing logbooks is
established, and
intercultural awareness is assessed through reflective
Any such assessment is likely to be integrated with
other factors associated with advanced language learning.
There is little sign
of role‐play or self‐assessment
being widely practiced, though, in exceptional cases,
it can be effectively integrated into oral
e.g. through situation‐based interpreting.
Given that intercultural competence can be separated
into knowledge, skills and attitudes, only the knowledge
component can, strictly speaking, be assessed in
traditional ways.
Skills and attitudes need to be assessed in other ways
such as role‐play, observation, self‐assessment or
reflection on critical incidents. Yet such assessment
practices are not
widespread within European higher
education language programs.
“The empirical results reported herein should be
considered in the light of some limitations.”
1-Time constraints
Just as researchers have deadlines to turn in
class papers, academic researchers also must
meet the deadline
for submitting a research
manuscript to a journal. Therefore, the time
available to study a research problem and to
measure change over time is constrained by
the deadline of my “assignment.”
I should have Made sure I choose a research
problem that I will be able to complete well before
the assignment’s deadline. If time constraints
negatively impacted my studyin any way,
acknowledge this impact by mentioning a need
for a future study (e.g., a longitudinal study) to
answer this research problem.
2-Conflicts arising from
cultural bias and other
personal issues
Researchers might be biased views due to their
cultural backgrounds or perspectives of certain
phenomena,and this can affect a study’s legitimacy.
Also, it is possible that researchers will have
biases toward data and results that only support
their hypotheses or arguments. In order to avoid
these problems, the author(s) of a study should
examine whether the way the problem was
stated and the data-gathering process were carried
out appropriately.I found a difficulty , but I did it .
3-More study:
I suggest additional studies in the future as the
subject of my research is of a national importance
to my great country. Leading a multicultural team
is very important.
In conclusion, I provide a
brief conclusion that ties each
of the findings together and provides a narrative bridge
to the discussion section of the your paper. We reached
to the objectives we set before and the vision we dreamed
through implementing our mission, goals and objectives.
conclusion, I give my recommendations.
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