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Classroom Management
Again and again, teachers have been reported to judge student
misbehavior and classroom discipline to be among the most
difficult and disturbing aspects of the teaching experience as
well as a major factor contributing to teacher discontent.
Classroom management is still a thorny issue for teachers.
Nearly half of new teachers report that they feel “not at all
prepared”or “only somewhat prepared”to handle disruptive
1) What classroom misbehavior did you see in your last school?
2) Who causes misbehavior?
3) What is it about pupils that makes themmisbehave?
4)What do they need to do to stop misbehaving?
Classroom management is how the teacher delivers
the curriculum, as well as the environment in which
students will learn. There must be a kind of rapport
between me and my learners.
I must treat my learners in the same way I treat my
own sons and daughters. I must show my fatherly
love to my learners before I present my lessons.
Love paves the way to perfect learning.
Teaching and Teacher research addressing
classroom discipline suggests that there are a
number of disciplines to be more common in classes
containing greater numbers of misbehaving students.
Internal links:
1-Classroom rules.
2-Disruptive learners.
3-Classroom discipline.
4-Students' behavior
External Links:
1- English and Urban Slang online.
2-Positive Reinforcement
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