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Learners have rights and responsibilities in their school
society. They have the chance to share in setting some
classroom rules. After creating the rules, the students
will also share in monitoring the rules through
participation in a classroom council that will hear
complaints and recommend needed changes.
learners become able to think about the need for rules in
life.Learners will compare their rules with other groups.
Learners will make a set of rules to be applied in the
class.Learners will gain respect for rules in their daily life.
Learners write down some rules they have at home.
Divide class into groups of about four.
Each group needs a piece of paper and a pen or pencil.
In each group, assign a speaker and a recorder.
Groups compare their rules at home with their groups.
Ask: "Why do we need rules?"
Give the groups fifteen minutes or so to discuss this
question.The recorder writes on a piece of of paper
about five reasons.The speaker discusses his group's
reasons and with teacher's leadership.
Each group needs an overhead sheet and an overhead
marker. Within their group, have students come up with
10 - 12 classroom rules ,
The recorder should record these on the overhead
sheet.The speaker of each group will take turns putting
their sheet on the overhead and discussing each with
the class. The teacher should write each rule on the
Rules Follow-up:
Teacher can observe students reasoning skills through
their discussions of the questions why do we need
Teacher can observe students comparing and
contrasting skills when students compare their rules
to the other students' rules.Teacher observes social
skills of students working in groups.
A model:
1- Be respectful to everyone at all times.
2- Keep hands, feet, and all other objects to yourself.
3- Raise your hand to speak.
4- Be prepared.
5- Arrive on time.
1-Teaching Vocabulary communicatively
4-Students' behavior
External Links:
1- English and Urban Slang online.
2-Positive Reinforcement
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