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“Blessed is the man who trusts in
the LORD, and whose hope is
the LORD.” Jeremiah 17:7
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Remember :
We remember 20% of
what we hear.
We remember 30% of
what we see.
We remember 50 % of
what we see and hear .
We remember 90 % of
what we say and do.
We remember 100% of
what we pass on to others.
5-TILO Project.
6-Active learning 1
Active learning is a term used to describe instructional
strategies that promote students’ active participation in
knowledge construction processes. Such strategies may
include hands-on activities, brief writing and discussion
assignments, problem-solving tasks, information gathering
and synthesis, question generation, and reflection-based
activities, among others.
Together, these approaches seek to engage learners’
higher order thinking skills through the production and
articulation of knowledge, as opposed to through the
passive transmission of facts and ideas.
Activity-based learning revolves around :
Experimentation – gathering knowledge through
experience. Exploration – gathering knowledge
and attaining skills through active investigation.
Expression – encouraging kids to express their
views through visual presentations.
Active learning strategies
Active learning strategies are built upon constructivist
theories of learning, which emphasize the importance of
building connections between one’s prior knowledge and
new experiences and concepts. As such, active learning
tasks are designed to tease out learners’ current
understanding, make that understanding explicit, and
then create opportunities for learners to integrate new
knowledge into their understanding.
Typically, active learning strategies involve a mixture of
individual and collaborative tasks, giving students the
chance to reflect or predict outcomes, and then to share
and discuss their ideas with peers. Activities can last
anywhere from mere minutes to large segments of a
class period; the point is simply to activate learners’
cognitive processes while they are in class.
The information below will help you design and implement
strategies that support this decidedly broad category of
instructional methods.
View Resources:
1-Critical Thinking 1
2- Critical thinking 2
4-Critical Thinking Test.
5- Learning outcomes.
6-Quality Education.
7-Environmental Education.
8-The Educational Technology
9-Classroom Technology.
10-Teaching Resources.
Other Resources:
1-CLT Method.
2-Brain Storming
3- Conversation.
4- Means of assessment.
5-Homogeneous VS Heterogeneous.
6-Multiple Choice test
7-Rediscovering Curiosity, Imagination,
8-Practical Education
9-Online tutor of English.
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