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Assessment is a means of formative or informative
testing to improve the learners' standards. It refers
to improving. How?
I can use an alternative teaching aid , modify my
method of teaching or even use an alternative
technique of teaching to help carry out the
objectives of the lesson. It happens during the
process of presentation inside the class every
day or every period.
Evaluation is a means of testing to measure the
progress of learning that has been achieved and
the one that hasn't been achieved.
It refers to grading. It happens at the end of the
course, the term or the whole year to measure the
general standard of the learners through giving
grades, scores, marks or standards.
Assessment is a strategy used to collect information
based on evidence to improve the process of learning
or performance.
Assessment is part of evaluation. It is done by the
teacher himself inside class during the presentation.
This collected information is learner-centered, course
based, frequently anonymous, and not graded.
Assessment is the process of objectively
understanding the state or condition of a thing, by
observation and measurement. Assessment of teaching means taking a measure of its effectiveness.
“Formative” assessment is a measurement for the
purpose of improving it.
It measures terms, knowledge, skill, attitudes, and
beliefs. It is a tool or method of obtaining information
from tests or other sources about the achievement or
abilities of individuals. Often used interchangeably
with test.
Assessment can focus on the individual learner, the
learning community (class, workshop, or other
organized group of learners), the institution, or the
educational system as a whole.
Assessment focuses on learning, teaching and
outcomes. It provides information for improving
learning and teaching. Assessment is an interactive
process between students and faculty that informs
faculty how well their students are learning what they
are teaching.
The information is used by faculty to make changes
in the learning environment, and is shared with
students to assist them in improving their learning
and study habits. This information is learner-centered,
course based, frequently anonymous, and not graded.
1-The oral discussion.
2-The feedback.
3-The observation sheet.
4-The grading register.
5-The weekly and monthly reports.
6-The learners' portfolio and achievements.
7-The projects and the monthly tests.
8-Performance tasks and self reflection.
9-Periodic quizzes and discussion out of a
questions bank .
10-Baseline assessment.
11-Check lists, check points or grade books.
12-Unit projects and extended projects .
13-Register of standards and anecdotal records .
14-Remedial work plan for slow learners and prizes
for advanced or gifted ( Learners with special needs
15-Formative and summative interviews.
16-Diagnostic tests.
17-Formative general pretests.
18-summative specific standardized oral tests.
19-Marking and grading.
20-Embedded projects / Electronic projects.
21-Multiple choice Exercises/Close tests/True or
false/short answer
22-Essays / written reports / paragraphs /
23- A survey and a data analysis.
Areas of assessment:
1-The discussion share between the teacher and
the learners.
2-The learners' share in pairs and in groups.
3-The learners' role-playing, practical learning .
4-The learners' share in solving problems and
5-Learners' story telling, feedback and self-
6-The learners' share in the electronic teaching
7-learners'share in songs, debating, interviewing
and miming.
8-The learners portfolio, written exercises and tests.
9-The learners' ability to listen, speak, read and
write fluently.
10-The learners' ability to dialogue with themselves
and with
others, imagine, discover, research, create and
11-The learner's interaction with the course content,
the peer,
the pair, the group, teaching aids, means of
technology, the
teacher and with the environmental activities.
Stages of Assessment:
1-It helps to differentiate instruction.
2-It identifies the misconceptions .
3-pinpointing a starting point for learning.
4-It is conducted at the beginning of a learning
5- It is not graded.
2-During assessment:
1-It is usually done to gauge where the learner is.
2-It is helpful to pinpoint if the learner is progressing
or having a misconception that needs to be cleared up .
3-It is either formative or summative.
4-It is graded or ungraded.
Post Assessment:
1-It is used to determine if the learner has met the
learning outcomes.
2-It is either formative or summative.
3-It is graded.
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