1-ExploreLeadership 1-Driving a robust, purpose-built digital strategy beyond crisis response.2-Streamlining institution infrastructure across management systems, procurement and cybersecurity3-Harnessing the power of partnerships to engage the whole education community 2-Explore
Futures 1-Transforming learning environments and facilities to develop future-ready schools2-Rethinking curriculum and pedagogy to reflect the accelerated use of technology3-Alternative models of education employing future-facing learning design 3-Explore
Inclusion 1-Providing equal access to high quality education so that all learners are able to fulfill their potential2-Ensuring a student-led learning experience through leveraging a range of assistive technologies and practices3-Delivering a truly inclusive and representative curriculum4-Explore Well-being 1-Engaging the student voice to shape strategy, practice and culture2-Tool-kits to ensure social-emotional development and student mental well-being and physical health3-Strategies to prioritize staff well-being, develop resilience and re-balance workload 5-Explore Skills 1-Harnessing self-directed learning to develop digital literacy and creative thinking2-Long-term professional development for empowered, competent and confident educators3-Reframing assessment to recognize lifelong skills critical to a viable future workforce 6-Explore Innovation 1-Redefining the education ecosystem for true blended learning2-Reclaiming physical learning spaces to foster creativity and collaboration3-Empowering students to plug into a personalized learning experience
Well-being 1-Engaging the student voice to shape strategy, practice and culture2-Tool-kits to ensure social-emotional development and student mental well-being and physical health3-Strategies to prioritize staff well-being, develop resilience and re-balance workload 5-Explore
Skills 1-Harnessing self-directed learning to develop digital literacy and creative thinking2-Long-term professional development for empowered, competent and confident educators3-Reframing assessment to recognize lifelong skills critical to a viable future workforce 6-Explore
Innovation 1-Redefining the education ecosystem for true blended learning2-Reclaiming physical learning spaces to foster creativity and collaboration3-Empowering students to plug into a personalized learning experience