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“Blessed is the man who trusts in
the LORD, and whose hope is the
Q: Teacher: What is the
shortest month?
A: Student: May, it only
has three letters.
الذى فى الاعلى
First and foremost, in a multicultural classroom,
the teacher must truly care for all of the students
and want them to succeed. Students need to know
that someone believes in them and, sometimes,
their teacher is the only person that really does.
If a teacher has no faith in a student and gives up
on them, then the student will most likely not believe
in himself or herself either. The teacher also needs
to understand that not every student is from an
intelligent or wealthy family, but it is still their
responsibility to be able to teach those students.
The purpose of the discussion is to interpret and
describe the significance of our findings in light of what
was already known about the research problem being
investigated and to explain any new understanding or
insights that emerged as a result of our study of the problem.
My research recommended the
Advanced students at times feel they are forced
into a leadership role they do not want when they
are part of a heterogeneous group. Rather than being
able to learn the new concepts at their own speed,
they are expected to assist other students or are
held to learning at the rate of the whole class.
Students of lesser abilities may fall behind in a
heterogeneous group and end up stigmatized for s
lowing the rate of the whole class or group. In a
study group or work group, they may end up shunted
aside or ignored rather than assisted.
A teacher needs to identify when the heterogeneous
grouping isn't working for any level of student. They
need to support the advanced students by supplying
additional challenges and ensure the students who
are falling behind are given the assistance they
need to catch up.
There is a risk for the students in the middle as well,
who may not get the individual attention they need due
to the teacher's concentration on the students at either
end of the spectrum.
Just as researchers have deadlines to turn in their
class papers, academic researchers also must meet
the deadline for submitting a research manuscript to
a journal. Therefore, the time available to study a
research problem and to measure change over
time is constrained by the deadline of my “assignment.”
I should have Made sure I choose a research problem
that I will be able to complete well before the
assignment’s deadline. If time constraints negatively
impacted my study in any way, acknowledge this
impact by mentioning a need for a future study
(e.g., a longitudinal study) to answer this research
Researchers might be biased views due to their
cultural backgrounds or perspectives of certain
phenomena, and this can affect a study’s legitimacy.
Also, it is possible that researchers will have biases
toward data and results that only support their
hypotheses or arguments.
In order to avoid these problems, the author(s) of a
study should examine whether the way the problem
was stated and the data-gathering process were
carried out appropriately. I found a difficulty ,
but I did it .
3-More study:
In conclusion, I provide a brief conclusion that ties
each of the findings together and provides a narrative
bridge to the discussion section of the your paper.
We reached to the objectives we set before and the
vision we dreamed of through implementing our mission,
goals and objectives. Through conclusion, I give my
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