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2-Teaching Aids
7- Teaching Technology
8-Teaching Styles
9-Learning Styles
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My Site:
My Global education site and my international
education Blog are mainly used as a training
workshop for my teachers. They can also be used as
electronic and technological teaching aids, materials
and education resources while teaching a lesson to
my learners of English:
is more powerful and dynamic with tools that
are already right in front of you
– and it’s up to
educators to impress this on students in the
When you bring real things and authentic daily- life
situations into the classroom, listening becomes
discovering, interest becomes wonder, and passive
learning becomes
active exploration. Lessons
come to life with touch, motion, and sound.
and My Blog:
1-Teacher"s Tools
1-Lesson Plan.
2-Smart Phone.
3-Curriculum Design.
4-Curriculum Analysis.
5-Worksheet Generator.
6-Curriculum Development.
7-Share in the international education Forums
and blogs.
8-My own international education website:
9-Communication network: emails, social media sites,
and zoom network.
10-Teacher's Registers: (Statistics, Training Units,
Staff meetings, Lectures,
Conferences, Standards
forms, Standards Tests, Follow up, Activities Plan,
Bank of Questions, Learners' Portfolio,Quiz and
Contests Register, Video lessons, Scripts lessons
and Internet lessons, Learners' Researches, reports
and Classroom Management register...)
2-Teaching Aids
A teaching aid is a tool used by the teacher as a
facilitator to the process of teaching and learning inside
the classroom. It is one of the
means by which we,
as teachers bring life into the theoretical texts by
bringing environment inside the classroom indirectly.
Also, it is a
means of personification to the concrete
texts in the students' books.
The final purpose
remains as a means of relating teaching with the
environment that students live in and communicate with.
A teaching aid is a means of bringing environment into
class to give life to theoretical learning. It is a means
to involve learners physically, mentally, emotionally
and environmentally.
A teaching aid can involve the learners physically
through using his senses and acting, mentally through
using his mind and thinking,
emotionally through his
excitement and environmentally through looking at
pictures that express the daily life we live. Have you
wondered what a teacher is? He is an audio-visual
aid of teaching.
Teaching Aids.
They include:
Charts, grids, Pictures, Drawing, photos,
magazines, worksheets, mind-mapping. Technology,
Video, digital material, data show, CDs,
Electronic program, Dictionary, Websites,
the computer, the internet, E-Book, Intelligent board,
Blackboard, Realia, actual fields, Real
Online Dictionaries, Graffic Organizers, virtual
tours of their latest exhibits,The real daily
environmental things......
My education site can be used as an
electronic teaching aid, material and
education resource:
Importance :
1) Motivation
Teaching aids motivate the students so that they can
learn better.
2) Clarification
Through teaching aids , the teacher clarify the subject
matter more easily.
3) Discouragement of Cramming
Teaching aids can facilitate the proper understanding to
the students which discourage the act of cramming.
4) Increase the Vocabulary
Teaching aids helps to increase the vocabulary of the
students more effectively.
5) Saves Time and Money
Teaching through using aids takes a shorter time
than traditional teaching that
depends on lecturing
and more repetition from the side of the teacher.
There will be no need to re-explain the lesson once
more, as the
learners have learnt the content through
using all their senses and
Here, money is saved.
6) Classroom Live and active
Teaching aids make the classroom live and active.
7) Avoids Dullness
The only method of teaching here, is the
blackboard and the chalk to write with. Perhaps,
the teacher uses flash cards and wall sheets in very
few lessons and the purpose is for show not for
knowledge or teaching.
The role of technology is
restricted to enabling the
learners to visit the lonely school computer
laboratory, once a month, and that is also for show.
In active learning, both the teacher and the learners
can use electronic learning programs like The Sage
program, The Hot Potatoes
program, The lingoes
Mid map progrm , Chemistry crocodile program and
the electronic
lesson plan for the teacher.
Kinds of active teaching aids:
. Visual Aids
. Audio Aids
. Audio - Visual Aids
1) Visual Aids
The aids which use sense of vision are called
Visual aids.
4- My education site can be used as an
electronic teaching aid, material and
education resource:
"3-Teaching Materials"
"Teaching materials" is a generic term used to
describe: the resources teachers use to deliver
Teaching materials can support student learning and
increase student success.
Ideally, the teaching materials will be tailored to the
content in which they're
being used, to the students
in whose class they are being used, and the teacher.
Teaching materials come in many shapes and sizes,
but they all have in common the ability to support
student learning.
Teaching materials can refer to a number
of teacher
resources; however, the term usually refers to
concrete examples, such as worksheets or
manipulative (learning tools or games that students
can handle to help them gain and practice facility
new knowledge-- e.g. counting blocks).
Teaching materials are different from teaching
"resources," the latter including more theoretical
intangible elements, such as essays or support
from other educators, or places to find teaching
4- My education site can be used as an electronic
teaching aid, material and education resource:
Teaching resources / Material
My education site can be used as an
electronic teaching aid, material and
education resource:
They include:
A-The actual daily- life sites and environmental
B-Concrete teaching Material
.e,g.(Book, classroom supplies for
teachers, Realia, CD, Video tape, tablet, iPad, Mac,
and Apple TV ..)
C- Theoretical teaching material.
e.g.(Workshops, Training units)
D-Electronic teaching programs:
( Word program, Excel program,
program,Access program, MS picture
management program,Movie-maker program, Free-
mind program, Lingoes program, Celestia
Yanka program, Anki program, Jing program, Hot
program, MS Mathematics program, the
Sage program, Chemistry crocodile program,
Physics Crocodile program and a lot of other
electronic programs. Electronic teaching enables
the teacher to do an electronic
lesson plan and
give an electronic lesson presentation.)
Top 5 teaching materials:
Blackboard is one of the most capable teaching tools
in the space.
Educators can upload grades, monitor
student performance, and administer tests.
Teachers can also input assignments and manage
their syllabus.
Students can access all the information their
teachers add to their
class page, check their grades,
and complete assignments. Blackboard
combines all those features with an outstanding
design to deliver a fine
tool for the student and
teacher, alike.
Classroom 2.0
Classroom 2.0 is a social network for teachers.
Educators can chat, send messages, and exchange
e ideas on how to best educate students.
found Classroom 2.0 to be an ideal place
for teachers to find best practices to create
a more effective educational environment.
Many of the educators discuss ways to use the
Web to enhance classroom instruction.
Engrade enables learners to monitor grades and
see how
they've performed on quizzes. All that
information is provided by the
teachers, who can
also customize their Engrade grade books, input
from anywhere they have Web access,
and create instruction plans for students to
Engrade is a powerful tool that's easy to use for both
students and
My grade book
With the
option to create online assignments,
manage grade books, administer
communicate with parents, and provide access
to students,
My Grade Book literally creates a
virtual classroom online.
Teacher Tube
Teacher Tube is a video site for educators.
Teachers can upload
instruction videos,
which can be viewed by anyone anywhere
in the world. Videos can show classroom
instructions on topics ranging from biology
My education site can be used as an electronic
teaching aid, material and education resource:
Click below:
Teaching methods.
They include:
(Active learning method, Projects, Inquiry-based
teaching method,
discovery method,
Acting the scenes, Pointing, Role-playing, Elicitation,
CLT Method, Internet-based teaching method,
Brainstorming method, Electronic programs teaching,
Classroom Network, observation, imitation, repetition,
Music, Songs, Games, Storytelling, Puzzles,
Story theatre, Solving problems, Playing roles,
roles,pair work, Dialoguing,
Group work, Co-Curriculum activities, Involvement,
Engagement, Debating, Interviewing,
Practical learning,
analysis, Practice and
research, Synthesis, Evaluation, Imagination.......)
The teaching methods are various and several.
Click below:
Teaching Skills include:
A-Language Skills (Listening-Speaking-Reading-
B-Teacher's Skills (Guiding, interviewing,
Dialoguing, Observation)
Skills (Interactivity, Participation,
Pair work, peer work, acting, elicitation,Group
work, Dialoguing, Practice, Analysis, Synthesis,
Evaluation, imagination, Exploration and
The main Language skills:
1-Listening Skill / listening Sub-skills / Listening Activities.
2-Speaking Skill / Speaking sub-skills / Speaking Activities..
3- Reading Skill / Reading Sub-skills / Reading Activities.
4-Writing Skill / Writing Sub-skills / Writing Activities.
6-Teaching activities
They include:
A-Co-curriculum activities. (Inside classroom)
B-Extra-curriculum Activities. (Inside school)
C-Extra-curriculum Activities. (Outside school)
Online Digital Teacher's Tools :
1-Google DOC's / Deck and PowerPoint
4- Lesson-cast 5-Glogster EDU
6-SchoolTube: 7-Storybird:
8--Free Rice 2.0
9--Flashcard Machine 10--Bitstrips for Schools
12-DK Instant Expert 13-TED-ED
14-Videonot es
Other means of teaching technology:
-My smart phone.
-My international education site:
2-Using mobile phones in Teaching and learning.
3-Using Blogs and social media in Teaching.
4-Online Corpus-based Learner Dictionary.
5-Film Circles:Scaffolding Speaking For EFL Students.
6-The mobile Phone in teaching.
7- My education site can be used as an electronic
and technological teaching aid, material and
education resource:
8-Teaching Styles
Have you ever thought about how each classroom
teaches things
differently? In this article, we answer
what are teaching styles, why
are there multiple
teaching styles, what are the different styles, and
which style works the best today?
Why different teaching styles?
9-Learning Styles
apply learning styles theory to English learning and
teaching, we must
know what learning style is.
Learning has taken place when we observe a change
of learner behavior resulting from what has been
Similarly, we can recognize the learning style of an
student only by observing his overt behavior.
Learning style is a consistent way of functioning that
reflects the underlying causes of learning behavior
Learning styles are internally basic characteristics
individuals for the intake or understanding of new information.
1-Learner listen, speak and communicate.
2-Learners look, Listen and point to things or
3-They speak and do.
4- They speak and practice.
5-They read and write. 6-They sing and dance.
7-They sing and do. 8-They ask and answer.
9-They imitate others. 10-They act the scenes.
11-They draw and paint.
12-They think, pair and share.
13-They participate
14-They interact with the teacher, peer, book
and technology.
15-They practice. They analyze, synthesis
and evaluate.
16-They imagine, create and innovate.
17-They choose, match, fill in, underline, correct,
complete, read and answer, read and skim, read
and scan, explore and invent.
18-They support, criticize and elect.
19-They play and rejoice.
20-They use electronic programs and the Tablet.
21-They access to :
online websites, Google forms, documents,
WordPress, logo-maker, internet readings,
Kahoot, educational social media means,
11-Assessment and Evaluation
Assessment includes:
is a measurement of the learning received during
the class as part of comparing what the student knew
before in a pr-test and after the class
experience in
a post test.
2-During assessment:
1-It is usually done to gauge where the learner is.
2-It is helpful to pinpoint if the learner is progressing
or having a misconception that needs to be
cleared up .
3-It is either formative or summative.
4-It is graded or ungraded.
3-Post Assessment:
1-It is used to determine if the learner has met the
learning outcomes.
2-It is either formative or summative.
3-It is graded.