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“This poor man cried out, and the
LORD heard him, and saved him
out of all his troubles
.”Psalm 34:6
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Effective Teaching Methodology:
Effective Teaching Methodologies include general
principles that can guide educators in creating
engaging and impactful learning experiences.
Incorporating these principles into teaching methods,
approaches, and technology will create dynamic and
engaging learning experiences that empower
students to succeed academically and beyond.
To better understand these approaches, it is
important to discuss what is generally understood
as the three main teaching styles in educational
pedagogy: direct instruction, inquiry-based learning
and cooperative learning.
Through these three teaching methods, teachers can
gain a better understanding of how to govern their
classroom, implement instruction and connect with
their students. Within each of these three main
teaching styles are teaching roles or “models.”
Theorist A.F. Grasha explains the five main teaching
models in her publication Teaching with Style (1996):
Expert, Formal Authority, Personal Model, Facilitato
and Delegator.
To gain a better understanding of the fundamentals
of each teaching style, it’s best to view them through
the lens of direct instruction, inquiry-based learning,
and cooperative teaching.
Every teacher and educationist of experience knows
that even the best curriculum analysis, course content
and the most perfect syllabus remain dead unless
quickened into life by the right methods of teaching
and right kind of teachers.
Teachers are the main authority figure in this model.
Students are viewed as empty vessels whose primary
role is to passively receive information (via lectures
and direct instruction) with an end goal of testing and
It is the primary role of teachers to pass knowledge
and information onto their students. In this model,
teaching and assessment are viewed as two
separate entities. Student learning is measured
24-Teaching Voc. communicatively.
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