Teaching Aids
as an
Audio-Visual Aid.
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1-The teacher as “visual aid”:
Physical position. The way you position yourself
relative to your class tells the students something
about you. If you feel constrained by the layout of
the furniture in the classroom, change it around if
you possibly can. If you can’t try to change rooms.
A general rule is, get as close to the students as
you can. Don’t sit or stand on a dais. Don’t sit
behind a desk. Use the desk for lesson “props” if
necessary, but stay in front of it. If you need to sit,
sit as part of the class, or at least sit in front of the
2- Twenty Testing mistakes to avoid.
3-"Teaching Writing"
4-Good Teaching is Timeless.
5-A Classroom Language Journal.
6- Micro-teaching.
7-Story Theater in Teaching English.
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