Q: Teacher: What is the
shortest month?
A: Student: May, it only
has three letters.
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My personal statement
+20 01149789475
1-Good personal qualities
I give and take. I advise, guide and help my teachers
3-I communicate skillfully:
use my 3 electronic mails, an education website,
chat rooms, social media like Face book and Twitter,
Cell phone and House phone to give and take
information, knowledge and help. I am in contact
with more than 36,000 visitors from 154 countries
all over the world through my international
education site.
4-I manage time:
make a "To Do" list or a schedule as an agenda for
my work. I allocate
time for feedback, comments,
criticism and doing tasks and reports.
5- I use more influence and little power
thoughtfully and I implement coaching in my model
lessons presentation. Power can be defined as the
following:“The authority to change the behavior of
others and make them do things that
they might not
do otherwise.” ... Power forces people to complete a
task, where influence helps them understand why
that task is necessary..
6- I am a savvy negotiator.
In my workshops, my teachers
exchange effective negotiations and
with me to show me the gaps or talk about the teaching problems they face at schools.
7-I manage conflict:
When conflict occurs within my network,
I look for points of mutual agreement to
resolve the conflict through. I Create and maintain a bond with my adversary. I
establish a dialogue for conflict
8-I reward people
I encourage better performance,so I
reward the people who give a hand,
participate, share me my plans and
9-I use open, diverse and networks
My trainees are different in ages, experiences,
backgrounds and abilities. Good relations engage
all of them.
10- My skills are diverse:
am excellent at listening, speaking, reading, writing
and interviewing skills. I use these skills when I set
plans to solve the problems of
development and culture in Egypt. I would have a
to collaborate with teachers and experts in
the world .
competencies / real situations:
I used communication to convince some of
my colleagues to share in the active learning
training program.
2-Decision making
I used the skill of decision making to include
the slow learners who were poor at listening
and speaking. Others were poor at reading
and writing. Others were good at the same
class. I made a decision that I must give 4
additional periods to those learners.I used 4
methods, 4 strategies and 4 teaching aids.
I included all of them.The plan
succeeded.The learners' levels rose.
As a leader or an instructional coordinator
of English at high schools, I use my skills in
lecturing, assessment, evaluation
modeling lessons to teach my teachers
how to plan lesson, present a lesson and
assess learners' performance through
holding workshops.
4-Results Orientation and team work
It was the final period when I entered my
colleague's classroom. He faced a problem
with presenting the new vocabulary. At the
end of the period, he asked me to teach him
how to present new vocabulary.
The bell rang and it was time for all to leave
school. I took the responsibility and made a
decision to stay with my colleague at school
for more than an hour till he learnt how to
perfect vocabulary presentation.
After my Ministry of education had sent me to East
Anglia University, Norwich, Norfolk, England,UK. It
waited for me to come back and benefit from my
experiences and experts to play a role in reforming
the education system in Egypt. I did it perfectly
through using my workshops, lectures, model
lessons and I used my international education
website to pass my experiences on to all my
8-Technical skills:
1- Secondary supervisor of English at high, prep.
and primary schools.
2-As a leader, I lecture teachers through doing
workshops, debates and professional
development meetings on the standard of the
primary, Middle, High schools and Colleges I
supervise in my Education Association and my
Education zone.
3-I do the jobs of a human resources manager (HRM).
4-I assess and evaluate teachers' and learners'
I set all the terms exams. I am a technology geek.
5-I present Oxford Education topics in the Academy
of teachers.
6- I teach English at Colleges, High, Prep. and
Primary schools.
7-I implement my observation sheet during visiting
my teachers' classes.
It includes :
A- Pr-observation items.
B- During observation items.
C- Post observation items.
10-I am a Blogger / a guest post publisher.
Publications and achievements:
1-Designing my own personal international
education website
2-Writing a lot of education articles and 12
education researches.
3-Doing much research about critical thinking
skills and practice.
4-Doing much research about practical learning
in the UEA.
5-Designing a mind-map (PDF) about
(TILO / active Learning project).
Literature Review
A great teacher is like a great artist who uses basic
tools to transform raw materials into valuable assets
of society. However, great artists may not have the
best tools or best skills because of their passion and
their unique perspective of the world.
Great teachers are not just ones who transmit
information, teach skills, and help students earn the
best grades. They are those who share their passion
for knowledge and curiosity with their students, inspire
the students’ creativity, develop their critical thinking
ability, and prepare them for the complex world they
will face after stepping out of campus.
Teaching is part of the process in discovery and it also
provides an opportunity to learn, where knowledge
and critical thinking are shared by teachers with their
students, and enthusiasm and creative ideas are
shared by students with their teachers. Reflecting on
my own experience as student, I am truly inspired by
the good role-model of my mentors and hope to relay
this process to the younger generation and to
influence their lives through my teaching and advising.
My undergraduate major is in teaching English in
my country, Egypt. It provides me with fundamental
pedagogical principles to engage and guide my future
teaching practice in undergrad levels. For classroom
teaching, my goals are not only to give lectures, but
to motivate students’ enthusiasm and encourage
discussion and interaction. This provides students
with the skills in communication, critical thinking
and problem-solving, which are necessary training
to pursue future professional careers.
For mentoring student research, my goal is to guide
them in research lab and motivate the students to
give their best efforts. As students come in with
different background and interests, I will provide
them with the freedom to explore and to think about
problems in new ways. In the mean time, I will also
actively engage in their projects and guide students’
discoveries. The value of research advising is so
rewarding because we continue generating new
ideas during the discovery process and push
forward the research.
I am a life-long learner and teacher. I like teaching,
learning, practice, and researching. I keep a clear
record of the sources I’ve read, along with my critical
analysis of their key arguments and what I think
makes them relevant to my research project. I have
some understanding of relevant academic research.
1-The Ministry of education felt in need of developing
education system. It announced implementing activity-
based learning method in place of the GTM (Grammar
Translation method). I felt happy about that. The
system will change from a teacher-centered method
into a learner-centered method. This announcement
failed as old teachers refused to change. They like to
lecture and learners learn by heart, no more.
Programs) came to implement active learning. I felt
happy and USAID my experiences to help. They
chose me to be a trainer of trainers. Some trainees
beside the old teachers were reluctant to the active
learning method but I did it. I enabled learners to think
pair and share in pairs, peers and groups. They use
solving problems, making decisions, self-exploration,
observation , experimenting and researching methods.
3-My turning point in my professional career was
when the Ministry of education in Egypt granted me
an education scholarship to the University of East
Anglia, Norwich, Norfolk, England, UK where I learnt
how to change the methods of teaching and styles of
learning from the traditional teaching method that
depends on just translating texts and facilitating
grammar*Grammar Translation Method "GTM") into
the critical thinking -based teaching and learning
methods.The teaching and learning that depends
on practice and applicability inspired me most.
The role of researching changed me from a just a
learner into an explorer and excited discoverer and
gave me the firing desire to transfer all my
experiences, knowledge, experts to my country
Egypt and the whole world through my lectures,
conferences, workshops and webinars to my
colleagues and policy makers in Egypt and to the
whole world through my global education websites,
social media and blog to my colleagues all over the
In England, I did 3 researches about:
A- A detailed research about the Egyptian Education
B-A comparison between Egyptian Curriculum
and the British one.
C- A research about the relation between the
university graduates, training and skilled labor
and the work market requirements in Egypt.
4- I spent much time to think of the real teacher that
used the perfect methods of teachings. At last, I
realized the the Lord Jesus was the real active
teacher. He used all the different methods of teaching
that implement active learning and critical thinking
I am grateful that I have experienced different
cultures of educational systems and I believe this
will help me to incorporate the advantages and
avoid pitfalls in developing my teaching strategies
in Egypt and all over the world.
I knew much about teaching through using critical
thinking skills and technology. I knew how learners
use critical thinking skills and technology through
learning. I knew how to use critical thinking and
technology in assessment to have the required or
desired learning outcomes. They are the outcomes
that are enrolled in the education policy and the
curriculum aims. I discovered that no reform for our
education in Egypt without implementing critical
skills in Education policy, teaching process, learning
process and finally assessment process.
My whole business in my thesis research is that:
( Critical thinking skills: Policy,
Curriculum andAssessment must
work together to reform education,
an empirical study case in Egypt.)
They taught me how to be a perfect:
1-Crtical thinker.
2-Technology user.
3-Researcher in education.
4-Education website, blog designer and builder.
D-Participant in sharing the Ministry in implementing
critical thinking skills and the 21st century skills in
education policy, designing the curriculum and
developing assessment. I sent my detailed reports
to the Ministry but in vain. All the 3 fields must work
together, not one alone. Alas, the Ministry
implemented that just in its announced education
policy, no more.
E-Minister after the other, a big problem in assessment
appeared. The questions of the subjective secondary
certificate exams were cheated, photographed with
mobiles and declared electronically and social media
provided students with full answers electronically
through the use of the cell phones and the internet.
It was a disaster.
F- The new Minister claimed developing not the
process of teaching and learning but just assessment.
He announced implementing critical thinking skills not
through the 3 fields mentioned above, but only through
doing assessment based on multiple choice questions
that must be performed electronically. The teachers
don't know how to teach and learners don't know how
to learn the new course content and the teaching
activities to match the new system of assessment.
The exam ignored the skills of listening and speaking
in English. It ignored all essay questions. It ignored
all the other objective questions. More than this, the
minister announced that the exams questions will be
outside the text books. There is no need for students
to study at all. I will go to archives and find all these
G- I wrote reports to the Ministry asking , where are
the problem-solutions methods, tasks methods,
researching methods, self-expression, inquiry learning,
mind-mapping, brainstorming, ...............?
None answered me. The Ministry of education is at a
loss. There is a mess. All education policy makers,
teachers and learners are confused. What a mess
it is ! All policy makers, teachers, parents and
learners are perplexed. All people feel afraid of
the method of assessment whose teachers,
learners and parents have never trained to do
it before.
The General secondary certificate exam became
just a pubble sheet full of circles to blacken by
learners without any trial to think, understand or
evaluate. Any one in the street can come and blacken
any circles by luck. He may succeed and excel
without knowing what it is.
Is that education?
What is this?
How is this?
Why is this? We all know (Why). Yes, it is the
assessment system that stops electronic cheating
of learners and social media during the exams,
no more. Mp education development or reform
as they claim. Is that the perfect education?
No, No, No,..There is a big problem that needs a
solution out of an academic research to reform such
education system and to be an ideal and perfect
remedy for all education systems all over the world.
I felt that I badly need to do such global research
to reform
education in Egypt and all over the world.
Here are my aims are:
1-I need to help my education community
2-I need to help my country, Egypt.
3-I need to offer my solutions to the whole world.
4- My aim is to add new ideas and knowledge to
5-My research contributes to my current work
in my field. It's relevant.
I see that my research title must be:
( Critical thinking skills: Policy,
Curriculum and Assessment must
work together to reform education,
an empirical study case in Egypt.)
4-To achieve this goal, I have developed a global
education model founded upon: Universal values,
Global Understanding, Excellence in all things and
Service to Humanity. To facilitate your journey and
5-Furthermore, I believe that every person has a
stake in the education process and we therefore
encourage and facilitate ongoing dialogues,
seminars, and training programs in which anyone
who is interested in building a better world can
participate. Become a part of the solution and join
the chorus of those who support these new initiatives
and directions by simply accessing to my international
education website.
6-I have attempted, when possible, to draw from
my own experiences teaching all my colleagues
the various latest approaches I apply and practice.
In other words, the teaching methods, the curriculum
design, the means of assessment and evaluation,
lesson plans and the advanced teaching topics are
tried, proper, perfect and true, representing the most
exercises I have attempted in the
classrooms I work at.
8-I couldn't wait too much.
9-I implement coaching in my model lessons
presentation. Power can be defined as the
following:“The authority to change the behavior of
others and make them do things that they might not
do otherwise.” ... Power forces people to complete a
task, where influence helps them understand why
that task is necessary.
10-I am a savvy negotiator:
In my workshops, my teachers exchange effective
negotiations and arguments
with me to show me
the gaps or talk about the teaching problems they
Change is an inevitable part of organizational life and if
you have any leadership role, you'll soon be called
upon to help lead it. But, we often fear change.
This leads to resistance. So, managing and leading
change is a challenging role. It will take you outside
of your comfort zone and beyond your existing
management and
supervision tool-set.
thesis has been written on commission by me,
Girgis Hanna Haroun, a
supervisor of English at
high schools and colleges in Egypt.
The findings of our research revealed that this
researching study is designed to develop thoughtful
and highly skilled educators, administrators, policy
analysts, and academic practitioners.
Distribution of leadership to include teachers, parents,
and district staff is needed in order to improve
student achievement. Districts provide human and
financial resources to assist schools in achieving
district-established directions.
hold principals accountable for implementing
and following up on what is learned during district-
sponsored professional development.
Research Content
The vision is (Developing our Education system)..
It has been known for decades that teachers can
have a profound effect on the students they teach.
Education policies can make a significant difference
in a teacher’s work, which in turn affects their
When expert teachers are actively engaged in the
development of education policy and initiatives,
achieving the intended outcomes and avoiding
unintended consequences is more likely.
The reason for doing such research is that I and my
collaboration with their managers or school leaders.
Teachers did't like change. They used
traditional method of teaching like the GTM method.
Learners were just listeners or stores waiting for
being filled with some information that were taught
by heart. Learners knew nothing about any critical
like practice, analysis, synthesis,
evaluation, imagination, creation
or innovation.
The organizations had managers of instructions and
orders not leaders that could lead the education
process forward through
the leading skills that
the leader should practice and apply.
How do organizational leadership, and researchers
1) You can grow as a person, develop your knowledge
base and improve yourself for the better.
Learning something new gets us access to new and
different opportunities and the chance to try new
experiences that might be the best ones you have
ever tried!
3) You could potentially earn more money in your work
life from learning
a new and appropriate skill or by
developing one that links to the work
you do.
You’ll rejuvenate your working life and get so
much more from it.
4) Developing a new skill will influence the way you
do things day to
day and they will make doing things
quicker and easier, saving time, energy and stress.
5) Learning across our lives is essential for staying
up to date in an
ever-changing world. If we stop
learning things, we can stagnate and actually move
backwards, especially in our professional lives.
6) Learning new things is very important for our
self-esteem. Learning something new keeps brain
cells active and allows us to succeed at
new, allowing us to give ourselves a big pat
on the back.
7) Trying anything different ensures you meet new
people, some of whom
will have similar interests to
you and be interested in some of the same
You could make new friends and really enhance
your social or work life.
Why Learning Foreign Languages?
Language study creates more positive
attitudes and less prejudice
toward people who are
different Analytical skills improve when students
study a foreign language
Business skills plus foreign language skills make
an employee more valuable in the marketplace.
Dealing with another culture enables people to gain
a more profound understanding of their own culture.
Creativity is increased with the study of foreign
Graduates often cite foreign language courses as
some of the most
valuable courses in college
because of the communication skills
in the process.
International travel is made easier and more
pleasant through knowing a foreign language.
Skills like problem solving, dealing with abstract concepts, are
increased when you study a foreign language.
Foreign language study enhances one’s opportunities
in government, business, medicine, law, technology,
military, industry, marketing, etc.
A second language improves your skills and grades
in math and English and on the SAT and GRE.
Four out of five new jobs in the US are created as
a result of foreign trade.
Foreign languages provide a competitive edge
in career choices: one is able to communicate
in a second language.
Foreign language study enhances listening skills
and memory. One participates more effectively
and responsibly in a multi-cultural world if one
knows another language.
Your marketable skills in the global economy are
improved if you master another language.
Foreign language study offers a sense of the past:
culturally and linguistically.
4 New Paradigms
Pedagogy is a child-focused teaching approach.
It is the art and science of helping kids learn.
It is the discipline that deals with the theory and
practice of education; it thus concerns the study
and practice of how best to teach.
Its aims range from the general (full development of
the human being via liberal education) to the
narrower specifics of vocational education (the
imparting and acquisition of specific skills).
It is the method and practice of teaching, especially
as an academic subject or theoretical concept: the
relationship between applied linguistics and
language pedagogy.
With pedagogy, the learner is a dependent
The teacher determines what, when and how
anything is learned. The learner gas few
The teacher devises transmission techniques to
knowledge in the learner's heart.
Andragogy is an adult-focused teaching approach.
It is a self-directed learning. It is the art and
science of helping adults learn.
It is the discipline that deals with teaching and
learning through negotiation, self-dialoguing,
self exploration, argument and studying the
problem to find solutions for it.
The learner watches, observes and asks
(Why is this? and why is that?).
learning is centered around both the teacher
and learner.
The education process
is set up on the basis of
a kind of co-operation between the teacher and
the learner. This process focuses on analysis,
synthesis and
evaluation. Dialoguing with one's
self and dialoguing with others are necessary.
Brainstorming is basic to teach learners critical
thinking. Brainstorming happens
when the teacher
asks questions to enable learners to generate ideas.
Generating ideas form a mind map.
Heutagogy is a Self-Determined Learning.
It is the discipline that deals with teaching
and learning through researching and navigation.
The education process is set up on the basis of the
independent learning.
The learner watches, observes and asks
(Why isn't this?
and why isn't that?).
This process focuses on evaluation, imagination,
creation and innovation.
Creation or innovation is the knowledge production
context. The cognition level is the epistemic level.
The education sector is for post graduate learners at
the universities to
get a higher Diploma degree,
a Master degree or a Doctoral degree.
There are three different types of quantitative
research question.
It is defined as a
“systematic approach to learning
in which the members of small teams learn from
one another through structured interactions” .
The Cooperative learning that will focus on the
learning and the problem
solving by using the
group activities and joint projects.
It has shown
to be active for most part of the
educational level. "With adult, it is common to use
the synergy because the adults retain more
information when this method is used than using
other methods. "
needs, experiences and
feelings, and making
specific interventions to help them learn particular
Interventions commonly take the form of questioning,
listening, giving information, explaining some
phenomenon, demonstrating a skill or process,
understanding and capacity, and facilitating
learning activities (such as note taking, discussion,
assignment writing, simulations and
Assessment is a strategy used to collect information
based on evidence to improve the process of learning
or performance. Assessment is part of evaluation.
It is done by the teacher himself inside class during
the presentation. This collected information is
learner-centered, course based, frequently
anonymous, and not graded.
Assessment is the process of objectively
understanding the state or condition of a thing, by
observation and measurement. Assessment of
teaching means taking a measure of its effectiveness.
“Formative” assessment
is a measurement for improving it.
1-The oral discussion.
2-The feedback.
3-The observation sheet.
4-The grading register.
5-The weekly and monthly reports.
6-The learners' portfolio and achievements.
7-The projects and the monthly tests.
8-Performance tasks and self reflection.
9-Periodic quizzes and discussion out of a
questions bank .
10-Baseline assessment.
11-Check lists, check points or grade books.
12-Unit projects and extended projects .
13-Register of standards and anecdotal records .
14-Remedial work plan for slow learners and prizes for
advanced or gifted ( Learners with special needs ).
15-Formative interviews.
16-Diagnostic tests.
17-Formative general pretests.
18-summative specific standardized oral tests.
19-Marking and grading.
20-Embedded projects / Electronic projects.
21-Multiple choice Exercises/Close tests/True or false/short answer
22-Essays / written reports / paragraphs / experiments.
23- A survey and a data analysis.
Areas of assessment:
1-The discussion share between the teacher
and the learners.
2-The learners' share in pairs and in groups.
3-The learners' role-playing, practical learning .
4-The learners' share in solving problems and projects.
5-Learners' story telling, feedback and self-evaluation.
6-The learners' share in the electronic teaching
7-learners'share in songs, debating, interviewing
and miming.
8-The learners portfolio, written exercises and tests.
9-The learners' ability to listen, speak, read and write fluently.
10-The learners' ability to dialogue with themselves
and with others, imagine, discover, research,
create and innovate.
11-The learner's interaction with the course content,
the peer, the pair, the group, teaching aids, means of
technology, the teacher and with the environmental
Stages of Assessment:
KWL Charts:
K-what do the students already know?
W-what do the students need and want to know?
L-what did the students learn?
Course Evaluation Form
Student Perceptions of
Thinking in Instruction
Course Number and Title ______________________________________
Instructions: Do not put your name on this sheet. Circle appropriate number for each item.
Low High Score Score |
1) To what extent does the instructor teach so that you must THINK to understand the content, or are you able to get a good grade by simply memorizing without really understanding the content? |
1 2 3 4 5 |
2) To what extent did your instructor explain what critical thinking is (in a way that you could understand)? |
1 2 3 4 5 |
3) To what extent does your instructor teach so as to encourage critical thinking in the learning process? |
1 2 3 4 5 |
4) To what extent does your instructor teach so as to make clear the reason why you are doing what you are doing (the purpose of the assignment, activity, chapter, test, etc…)? |
1 2 3 4 5 |
5) To what extent does your instructor teach so as to make clear the precise question, problem, or issue on the floor at any given time in instruction? |
1 2 3 4 5 |
6) To what extent does your instructor teach so as to help you learn how to find information relevant to answering questions in the subject? |
1 2 3 4 5 |
7) To what extent does your instructor teach so as to help you learn how to understand the key organizing concepts in the subject? |
1 2 3 4 5 |
8) To what extent does your instructor teach so as to help you learn how to identify the most basic assumptions in the subject?
1 2 3 4 5 |
9) To what extent does your instructor teach so as to help you learn how to make inferences justified by data or information?
1 2 3 4 5 |
10) To what extent does your instructor
teach so as to help you learn how to distinguish assumptions, inferences, and
implications? |
1 2 3 4 5 |
Low High Score Score |
11) To what extent does your instructor teach so as to help you learn how to think within the point of view of the subject (think historically, think scientifically, think mathematically)?
1 2 3 4 5 |
12) To what extent does your instructor teach so as to help you learn how to ask questions that experts in the subject routinely ask?
1 2 3 4 5 |
13) To what extent does your instructor teach so as to enable you to think more clearly?
1 2 3 4 5 |
14) To what extent does your instructor teach so as to enable you to think more accurately?
1 2 3 4 5 |
15) To what extent does your instructor teach so as to enable you to think more deeply?
1 2 3 4 5 |
16) To what extent does your instructor teach so as to enable you to think more logically?
1 2 3 4 5 |
17) To what extent does your instructor teach so as to enable you to think more fairly?
1 2 3 4 5 |
18) To what extent does your instructor teach so as to help you learn how to distinguish what you know from what you don’t know?
1 2 3 4 5 |
19) To what extent does your instructor teach so as to help you learn how to think within the point of view of those with whom you disagrees?
1 2 3 4 5 |
20) To what extent does your instructor teach so as to encourage you to think for yourself using intellectual discipline? |
1 2 3 4 5 |
Chapter : 5
Outcomes and impact –
My PhD research mustn't be put on a library shelf to
be stored like the ones that couldn't be benefited from.
My PhD a practical and relevant research. It is a
message of progress, development, promotion and
the only solution for the problems that people in
charge of education , planners, administrators,
teachers, learners, course content authors and
people of assessment all over the world.
1-My research is Significant :
My proposed research will be academically significant.
To do this properly, I acknowledge relevant existing
scholarship and I explain how my research will relate
to it. I am able to show how my PhD will contribute
to its field and – ideally – indicate some of the gaps in
knowledge it will aim to fill.
2-My research is feasible / doable:
1-Each education association must know that the
education policy is based on using critical thinking
skills not just attainment or learning by heart.
2- Many training units, workshops, conferences and
webinars must be held to train teachers to use
methods of teaching that are based on critical thinking
skills like: solving problems, doing projects, doing
tasks, case study, making decisions, competency,
mind mapping, CLT, constructivism, Discovery,
exploration, brainstorming, deduction, elicitation,
internet-based learning,using technology,
communication practice, mind-mapping, lexical
approach,teaching vocabulary and English grammar
communicatively, CPD, inquiry, teaching diverse and
multi-culture and practical teaching methods.
3- Learners must use activity-based learning method
to dialogue with themselves, dialogue with others,
observe, experience, do, practice, research, explore,
work in pairs, peers and groups. Learners must
learn English through implementing the 5 language
skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing and using
culture. Learners must observe, participate, interact,
role-play, act, evaluate, analyze, synthesize, imagine,
create and innovate. The teacher must be just a
monitor, guide, observer and supporter not just a
lecturer or dictator.
4- The course content must go with the critical thinking
skills projects to lead the teacher to work together in
the same strategy. Authors must write text books that
match using critical thinking skills.
5- The assessment must test the learning outcomes
that have been based on critical thinking skills not just
multiple-choice question, Assessment must include all
exercises of Matching, filling in, true or false, practical
assessment in listening, speaking, reading, writing,
and researching.
6-Education technology must be used in teaching,
learning, typing course content, education activities,
education projects, doing tasks, doing model
lessons,doing lesson plans, competency , practical
learning, assessment and evaluation, CDs, videos,
video conferences, recorders, films, training units,
YouTube, platforms, Zoom, sites, blogs,
social media, webinars and others.
3-My PhD is worthwhile.:
My research deals with a very vital and important
problem that causes worry to all people all over the
world. It is actual. It touches our lives everywhere. If
we solve the problems of education, all programs of
sustainable development will succeed.
People will understand other peoples and other
cultures to live in peace. Production in every field
will double. All work markets will receive skilled and
trained university graduates.
4-I suggest what will become possible.
1-Other researchers can use or build upon my
research results. My research will close the gaps
of the missing relation between the education
policy,curriculum and assessment in academic
2- I am ready for doing workshops, webinars,
conferences, training units and meetings to do
professional development visits and meetings for the
teachers in my country with attendance or through
using technology.
3- I can use my global education sites and my blog to
do professional development meetings to all teachers
all over the world with attendance or through using
my sites, emails or the university platform..
4- If the people in charge put me in charge of
implementing my project in my country, I will enter
classes with the company of teachers and senior
teachers of English and do model lessons based
on using critical thinking skills.
5- If I was asked to do professional development
anywhere all over the world, I am ready for doing the
same to add my knowledge, ideas, thoughts and
recommendations to humanity.
6- I am ready for being in touch with any university or
any education association all over the world to give a hand .
7- My project is worthy and doable. It doesn't cost
much money or funding. It is easy. It isvery possible.
8- Curriculum designer, course content authors,
teachers of English perfect this new system of
education, learning outcomes will be carried out
perfectly. Learners will become good citizens,
scientists and are able to use critical thinking in their
daily life trough solving problems, making the right
decision, self-expression, good evaluators, good
analysts, creators and wonderful innovators.
5-Originality / value
This study depicted a daily life practical Lesson Study
activity through solving problem method. The lesson
was: ( Environmental Pollution Problem) which
focused on the students’ critical thinking activity
through the integration of PBL and learners' work
groups in their authentic and practical daily life
The crucial value of the Lesson Study about pollution
attracted the learners' attention since I wanted to know
the students’ learning style and what made them
learn. The students’ critical thinking ability was
measured before and after the Lesson Study activity
through a standardized (Pre-test and a Post-test).
The purpose of the discussion is to interpret and
describe the
significance of our findings in light of
what was already known about the research problem
being investigated and to explain any new
understanding or
insights that emerged as a result
of our study of the problem.
The discussion will always connect to the introduction
by way of the
research questions or hypotheses
I posed and the literature I reviewed, but the
discussion does not simply repeat or rearrange
the first parts of my paper; the discussion clearly
explains how my study advanced the reader's
understanding of
the research problem from
where I left them at the end of my review of prior research.
DISCUSSION provides the explanation and interpretation
of results or findings by comparing with the findings in
prior studies. Then, I can say that: compared to the
previous study about (Education and Development),
I say that my research is different .
My research recommended the following:
“The empirical results reported herein should
be considered in the light of some limitations.”
1-Time constraints
Just as researchers have deadlines to turn in
their class papers, academic researchers also
must meet the deadline for submitting a research
manuscript to a journal. Therefore, the time
available to study a research problem and to
measure change over time is constrained by
the deadline of my “assignment.”
I should have Made sure I choose a
problem that I will be able to complete well
before the
assignment’s deadline. If time
constraints negatively impacted my
in any way, acknowledge this impact by
mentioning a need for a
future study to
answer this research problem.
2-Conflicts arising from cultural bias
and other personal issues
Building rapport with students is very important.