Story Jokes
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Story Jokes
Teachers want their students to genuinely
communicate with each other in socially acceptable
ways, and at the same time become more aware
of cultural traits. What is needed in a classroom
is a reaction that is real because it is spontaneous.
The value of relating a funny story lies in the
commitment required of the student telling it and
in the observable and sincere response that he/she
elicits from the student who listens to it. At higher
levels, the above activity can be followed up with
story jokes.
1. Get a set of 6–12 funny stories, roughly one or
two paragraphs in length. These can be found in
various magazines and textbooks; and even your
friends might burden you with them upon request.
It’s best to avoid ethnic, sexual, and political genres,
of course. The important thing is that the stories
have clear and separable punch lines.
2. Write the stories out on slips of paper, without
their respective punch lines. Don’t worry if you have
six jokes and twelve students. Just repeat the jokes.
3. Write all the respective punch lines out on a
sheet of paper.
4. Distribute one unfinished story joke to each student.
If two students have the same joke, so much the
better. This simulates a real life situation when people
have heard the same joke.
5. Distribute the sheets of punch lines to each student.
They have to find the punch line to their own story
and then “learn” the joke—whether that means
memorizing it or putting it into their own words.
They should be careful, however, to retain at least
the elements that give the joke its flavor, and
perhaps even determine its effect.
6. Tell the students to go around the classroom as if
they were in a pub, bar, or other social situation.
They should approach another student, break the
ice with “Have you heard the one about…?” and tell
their joke.
The other student should just react or say (if he/she
doesn’t understand) “I don’t get it.” Hopefully, the
joke teller can either repeat the salient parts, the
punch line or, if worst comes to worst, explain why
the joke is funny.The other student should then try
and tell his/her story.
School Jokes for
Q. Why did the boy study on an airplane?
A. He wanted to get a higher education.
Q. Why did the teacher wear sunglasses?
A. Because her students were bright!
Q. What do you call a square that's been in an
A. A WRECKtangle.
Q. How many letters are in the alphabet?
A. 11, T-H-E A-L-P-H-A-B-E-T.
Q. Why did the pencil cross the road first?
A. He was the LEADer!
Q. What kind of teacher passes gas?
A. A tutor!
Q. Why was the voice teacher so good at baseball?
A. Because she had the perfect pitch.
Q. Why is it dangerous to do math in the jungle?
A. Because when you add four and four you get
Q. Why do teachers give you homework?
A. Just to annoy you.
Q. What do you get when you cross a teacher
and vampire?
A. Lots of blood tests!
Q. What do you call a boy with a dictionary in his
A. Smartie Pants!
Q. Why did the kid run to school?
A. Because he was chased by the spelling bee.
Q. What do you need to go to high school?
A. A ladder.
Q. What did the student say after the teacher said,
"Order students, order?"
A. "Can I have fries and a burger?"
Q. Why did Jimmy's grades drop after the holidays?
A. Because everything was marked down!
Q. Why did the square and triangle go to the gym?
A. To stay in shape!
Q. What do ducks use for math?
A. A QUACK-ulator !
Q. What do you do if a teacher rolls her eyes at
A. Pick them up and roll them back to her!
Q. What did the calculator say to the other
A. "You can count on me!"
Q. Why are school cafeteria workers cruel?
A. Because they batter fish, beat eggs, and
whip cream.
Q. What is white when dirty and black when clean?
A. A blackboard.
Q. Why did the Cyclops close his school?
A. Because he only had one pupil.
Q. Why can't you do a math test in the jungle?
A. There are too many cheetahs!
Q. Why did the student drown?
A. All her grades were below C-level!
Q. What's bigger when it's upside down?
A. A 6!
Q. Why did the students study in the airplane?
A. Because they wanted higher grades.
Q. What school teaches you to greet people?
A. High school.
Q. Where do New York City kids learn their
multiplication tables?
A. Times Square.
Q. What happened when the teacher tied all the
kids shoe laces together?
A. They had a class trip!
Q. Why did the snake get a detention?
A. Because he was HISSpering!
Q. Why was the little bird punished?
A. It was caught peeping in school.
Q. Why did Goofy take a ladder to school?
A. Because he wanted to get to high school.
Q. What did the bully have for lunch?
A. He had a knuckle sandwich!
Q. Why is 2+2=5 like your left foot?
A. It's not right.
Q. What's the worst thing that can happen to a
geography teacher?
A. Getting lost.
Q. What did the glue say to the teacher?
A. "I'm stuck on you."
Q. Where do pencils come from?
A. Pennsylvania.
Q. Where do birds go to school?
A. High school.
The students should tell their joke several times to
different people in one class. Tell them not to
hesitate to change the joke story the second time
if they feel that will aid in making the joke more
understandable or even funnier.
In the telling of a funny story, the commitment
resides not with the truth of information being
expressed, or even one’s adherence to a view
point about an issue—the usual kinds of activities
in classrooms.
Usually these two varieties of commitment lead to
obviousness on the one hand or unfair culpability
on the other. Telling funny stories makes a student
accountable for the success of the speech act itself,
i.e. the proof is in the pudding.
Other School Jokes
1. What does your computer do for lunch?
Has a byte!
2. What did the buffalo say at drop off?
3. What did the student say to the teacher after
he missed the first day of school?
No, ma'am. I didn't miss it at all.
4. Why do math books always look so sad?
They are full of problems.
5. Why did the kid eat his homework?
Because his teacher said it was a piece of cake.
6. How does a scientist freshen her breath?
With experiments!
7. Why did the kid bring a ladder to school?
Because she wanted to go to high school.
How to teach a Joke in classroom
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