Active Learning Method
Passive Learning Methods
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(Active VS Passive Methods)
Activity-based teaching:)
Traditional method
Traditional education is also called traditional education
or general education. A key motivation for traditional
education is to pass on the values, moral and social
skills of the next generation needed to survive. In
traditional education, the learner learns about the
customs and traditions of the community in which
he or she lives. This type of education is mainly
given to students in the form of oral repetition.
(Old Traditional Method):
The grammar–translation method is a method of
teaching a foreign language derived from the
classical (sometimes called traditional) method of
teaching Greek and Latin. In grammar–translation
classes, students learn grammatical rules and then
apply those rules by translating sentences between
the target language and the native language.
The grammar–translation method originated from the
practice of teaching Latin. In the early 1500s, Latin
was the most widely studied foreign language due to
its prominence in government, academia, and
There are two main goals to grammar–translation
classes. One is to develop students’ reading ability to
a level where they can read literature in the target
language. The other is to develop students’ general
mental discipline. Grammar–translation classes are
usually conducted in the students’ native language.
Grammar rules are learned deductively students learn
grammar rules by rote, and then practice the rules by
doing grammar drills and translating sentences to and
from the target language.
Active Learning:
Modern Education is the latest and most recent
version of education in schools and educational
institutions in the 21st century. It focuses not only
on outstanding courses in Commerce, Science and
Arts but also aims to promote critical thinking, life
skills, value education, analytical skills, and
decision-making skills for students.
Online Education also uses the latest technology
such as mobile apps, audio and video forums such
as YouTube, Podcasts, E-books, movies, etc.
teaching students and making the learning process
attractive and engaging.
However, traditional and modern teaching methods
are effective and useful in online education. Modern
teaching methods are very important and play an
important role in the development of children’s
education and knowledge.
Modern education
includes a variety of learning and teaching methods,
including popular spatial learning, which encourages
students to switch quickly between activities.
With the application of science and technology in
teaching methods, education becomes more
interesting, easy, and interesting for students.
The active learning or the activity -based learning
method is applied in the USA schools. It depends
on the participation of the learner during the lesson
In it, the learner plays his active role and practices
what he learns through real situations that lead to a
communication between the learner and himself,
the learner and the teacher, the learner and other
learners, the learner and the course, or between
the learner and the environment that surrounds
him inside and outside class in order to qualify
himself to use his language in real life.
Active learning is "anything that involves students
in doing things and thinking about the things they
are doing" Active learning is a process whereby
students engage in activities, such as reading,
writing, discussion, or problem solving that
promote analysis, synthesis, and evaluation
of class content.
Cooperative learning, problem-based learning,
and the use of case methods and simulations are
some approaches that promote active learning.
This section provides links to bibliographies,
research summaries, articles, and other resources
about active learning.
Let us look at the pros and cons of traditional and
modern education.
Modern education differs significantly from traditional
methods and is now widely practiced in schools
with a greater emphasis on science and technology.
A variety of computer technologies, the Internet,
and projector presentations help modern education
to make classes interesting and interactive for
students. Unlike traditional textbooks and theoretical
learning, modern education reduces the boundaries
of the traditional system to learning through
experimentation and experience.
Students were provided with known facts and
knowledge in traditional education, but at the same
time, critical thinking and problem-solving skills
were introduced so that they could conduct
research and reach higher levels in online education.
Because traditional methods use repetition and
memorization of information to teach students, it
means they do not develop their critical thinking,
problem-solving, and decision-making skills. Back
then, education or knowledge focused only on the
skills needed to survive.
Then came the era of widespread application of
science and technology in everyday life. This was
also the period when science and technology
began to develop the fastest.
By 1911, colleges around the world were trying to
become modern universities, and the traditional
teaching of conversation was being replaced by
new approaches. Modern “folk literacy”, defined by
career-oriented and practical writing skills, replaced
the traditional “classical literacy”, which was
associated with the gentleman’s study of the great
books for social and personal satisfaction.
Smartphones, laptops, and notepads have
become a means of learning these days.
“It was believed that education was meant only
for people from high society.”
People thought that modern education is bad for
their children because modern education does
not teach religions, traditions, and customs.
Traditional education is the study of culture,
traditions, and customs, while modern education
teaches students to improve their skills.
In traditional teaching methods, students learn
through memorization skills, while in modern
education systems, students learn through human-
environment interaction. Unlike the stressful
learning of the old education system, students
in the new school find learning and grading very
easy and fun. Incremental learning is common in
both old and new school systems.
As noted above, modern and progressive education is
aimed at meeting the individual needs, interests,
and abilities of individual students. Education, a
systematic progressive approach to learning for the
development of intelligence, is based on dynamism.
At some stages, we need our education to function,
which requires traditional and modern teaching
methods. As we discussed earlier, both traditional
and modern educational methods are important,
and therefore we need to enroll our children in a
school that values and promotes education.
We are all very familiar with the traditional methods
of teaching where teaching takes place in a
classroom for a group of students. The ancient
system of education such as the Gurukulam as
well as the system of the medieval period were
collectively referred to as the traditional method
of education.
The teacher-centered educational method has
been transformed into a student-centered method.
While assessments have been a core element of
assessment in traditional education, online
education has put forward a grading system that is
the best way to provide students with an overview
of their knowledge and understanding of the
various subjects students are studying.
View Resources:
1- The USA Culture.
2-The UK Culture
3- English Proverbs
4-Teaching diverse and multi-cultured
Other links:
2-Business English.
3-Impact of culture on learners' learning.
4-Click here to go to World Newspapers
5-Click here to learn about more proverbs.
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