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~ Psalms 147:3
Teacher: You missed school
yesterday, didn’t you?
Pupil: Not very much!
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All students are different and each have their own
way of processing how they learn something new.
The two main teaching and learning methods in our
world today are active learning and traditional
lecture. Both these methods are significant in their
own way.
However, what if one method is actually more
beneficial for students learning?
Traditional lecturing has been around for decades
its something regular and known to education.
Traditional lectures are demonstrated as the
professor in front of the classroom educating
students the professors way. Lectures are teacher-
centered education. There are students who process
information differently, whether they understand right
away, or needs more depth of explaining.
Compared to traditional lectures, active learning, is
more student-centered. Professors can give students
the chance to equally interact on the topic. Students
are encouraged to work together and communicate
with each other, rather than having to exclusively
listen to just the professor talk.
In the article “Lecture vs. Active Learning:
Re framing the Conversation” by Mary Bart, includes
a tweet regarding the teacher-centered concept of
education, “Yes, the teacher has the experience and
expertise, but that doesn't mean that knowledge can
flow in only one direction”. This relates to how there
are students who can’t process the information the
professor is lecturing without having the class
expand in discussion.
Another quote from “Professors Shouldn’t Teach
Schuman, relates to the boredom and interest
students have during a lecture. She states “But
Worthen’s elegy to a format that bores so many
students reminds me of a bad habit that too many
professors have:
building their teaching philosophies around
younger versions of themselves, who were often
more conscientious, more interested in learning,
and more patient than the student staring at his
phone in the back of their classrooms”.
A structured classroom is predictable and consists
of the same routine everyday, much like a lecture.
Structured classrooms has its benefits like
organization, and it has its non-benefits like how
its only focus is on the professor, not as much as
students, and how it’s the same pattern everyday.
In the article “To Lecture or Not to Lecture?” by Paul
T. Corrigan, he states “Thomas sits on the front row,
jotting furiously, glancing up at the board, back at
the notebook. Maybe working through the concepts
on his own terms.
Maybe just writing things down to memorize for the
test. Kayla sits a few rows back, casually working
on her smartphone. Maybe taking notes. Maybe
shopping for a gift for her sister.
Sitting near the door, Shauna stares at the ceiling,
her legs stretched out over several chairs. Maybe
pondering the meaning of what’s being said. Maybe
not.”. These are what students do in a structured
classroom and it takes away there interest.
An open classroom is focused more on the students.
With this advantage of active learning, professors
teach students to learn by doing and expand their
creativity in class and not just listen.
Again in the article “To Lecture or Not to Lecture?”,
Corrigan states “…lecturing regularly and at length
helps many students understand concepts, become
more interested in a subject, or develop thinking
In those cases when we do not find lecturing to
best support our purpose, we should explore other
options.”.What he is trying to say is that traditional
structured lectures do have their assistance to the
classroom, but not always.
When a lecture doesn’t help answer a students
question, that’s when the professor should realize
its time to try a new learning method, one less
structured and more open.
Professors do most of the talking in the lecture.
Students aren’t heard, nor interact with one
another, they strictly listen and have no say, it’s
important for them to learn the use of
communication and synergy with other classmates
and the professor as well.
As professors talk through a lecture there are
some students who know what key points to write
down as they listen, but others struggle with what
is relevant and important to jot down.
PowerPoints are helpful to students during a
lecture, but not so much when the depth of slide
is coming out of the professors mouth. When
copying notes from a power-point, students tend
to be more focused on what they are writing from
the board than to actually listen to the professor
explain in advance what is on that slide. Student
dialogue is key in active learning.
If professors provide an open, interacting,
communicating environment, then they can improve
the students ability to prepare to be problem solvers
with active learning methods.
Having students speak rather than listen allows
them to engage and express their ideas to others
and educate others on a question they have or fact
they know, that can even educate the professor.
Student dialogue in a classroom helps students
not to be afraid to share their thoughts or answer
a question. Its all about contributing ideas and
hearing one another.
The structure of the class shifts the control of
learning from teachers to the students. The
students can ask questions when they have
trouble with a math problem, or a research paper.
Active learning gives students the opportunity to
speak their voice.
In the article “To Lecture or Not to Lecture”
by Paul Corrigan, he makes a point regarding the
voice of students, “We also should ask about
what limitations we face.
These include how many
students we have to teach, what they already
know about formulas, proofs, and shapes,
and how much time, space, and materials we
have available.
Likewise, we should consider the implementation
of whatever method or methods we use.”.
Overall, traditional lecture and active learning are
about important methods and help students learn
in different ways.
If professors start practicing more active learning
methods then students will have the ability to
speak up and share ideas and thoughts.
Professors and students interact equally on
the focus.
View Resources:
1-Learner-centered Teaching.
2-Curriculum Development.
3-Homogeneous VS Heterogeneous.
4-CLT Method.
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