Students' misbehavior
Mr. / Girgis
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It is a skill:
Classroom management and management of
student conduct are skills that teachers acquire
over time. Personal experience and research
indicate that many beginning teachers have
difficulty effectively managing their classrooms.
While there is no one best solution for every
problem or classroom setting, the following
principles, drawn from a number of sources,
might help.
This study aimed to examine the conceptions of
junior secondary school student misbehavior in
classroom, and to identify the most common,
disruptive, and unacceptable student problem
behaviors from teachers' perspective.
Twelve individual interviews with teachers were
conducted. A list of 17 student problem behaviors
was generated. Results showed that the most
common and disruptive problem behavior was
talking out of turn, followed by non-attentiveness,
daydreaming, and idleness.
The most unacceptable problem behavior was
disrespecting teachers in terms of disobedience
and rudeness, followed by talking out of turn and
verbal aggression.
The findings revealed that teachers perceived
student problem behaviors as those behaviors
involving rule-breaking, violating the implicit norms
or expectations, being inappropriate in the
classroom settings and upsetting teaching and
learning, which mainly required intervention from
How to respond:
There are many ways to respond to inappropriate
behaviors, of course,and they vary in how much they
focus on the immediate behavior compared to longer-
term features or patterns of a student’s behavior.
There are so many ways to respond, in fact, that we
can describe only a sample of the possibilities here.
None are effective all of the time, though all do work
at least some of the time. We start with a response
that may not seem on the surface like a remedy at
all—simply ignoring misbehavior.
If a student who is usually quiet during class happens
to whisper to a neighbor once in awhile, it is probably
less disruptive and just as effective to ignore the
infraction than to respond to it. Some misbehavior
may not be worth a response even if they are
frequent, as long as they do not seem to bother
Suppose, for example, that a certain student has a
habit of choosing quiet seat-work times to sharpen
her pencil. She is continually out of her seat to go to
the sharpener.
Yet this behavior is not really noticed by others. Is it
then really a problem, however unnecessary or ill-
timed it may be?
In both examples ignoring the behavior may be
wise because there is little danger of the behavior
disrupting other students or of becoming more
frequent. Interrupting your activities—or the students’
—might cause more disruption than simply ignoring
the problem.
Sometimes it works to communicate using gestures,
eye contact, or “body language” that involve little or
no speaking. Nonverbal cues are often appropriate
if a misbehavior is just a bit too serious or frequent
to ignore, but not serious or frequent enough to
merit taking the time deliberately to speak to or
talk with the student.
If two students are chatting off-task for a relatively
extended time, for example, sometimes a glance in
their direction, a frown, or even just moving closer
to the students is enough of a reminder to get them
back on task.
Consequences are the outcomes or results of an
action. When managing a classroom, two kinds of
consequences are especially effective for
influencing students’ behavior: natural
consequences and logical consequences.
As the term implies, natural consequences
happen “naturally,” without deliberate intention by
anyone. If a student is late for class,for example,
a natural consequence is that he misses
information or material that needed to do an
assignment. Logical consequences are ones that
happen because of the responses of or decisions
by others, but that also have an obvious or
“logical” relationship to the original action.
Natural and logical consequence
are often woven together and thus
hard to distinguish:
if one student picks a fight with another student, a
natural consequence might be injury not only to
the victim, but also to the aggressor (an inherent
byproduct of fighting), but a logical consequence
might be to lose friends (the response of others to
fighting). In practice both may occur.
Classrooms can be emotional places even though
their primary purpose is to promote thinking rather
than expression of feelings. The emotions can be
quite desirable: they can give teachers and students
“passion” for learning and a sense of care among
members of the class.
But feelings can also cause trouble if students
misbehave: at those moments negative feelings
—annoyance, anger, discomfort—can interfere with
understanding exactly what is wrong and how to set
things right again.
Gaining a bit of distance from the negative feelings is
exactly what those moments need, especially on the
part of the teacher, the person with (presumably) the
greatest maturity.
Diagnosing accurately who really has a problem
with a behavior—who “owns” it—is helped by a
number of strategies. One is active listening
—attending carefully to all aspects of what a student
says and attempting to understand or empathize as
fully as possible
Active listening involves asking questions in order
continually to check your understanding. It also
involves encouraging the student to elaborate on
his or her remarks, and paraphrasing and
summarizing what the student says in order to
check your perceptions of what is said.
It is important not to move too fast toward solving
the problem with advice, instructions, or scolding,
even if these are responses that you might, as a
teacher, feel responsible for making.
Once you have listened well to the student’s point
of view, it helps to frame your responses and
comments in terms of how the student’s behavior
affects you in particular, especially in your role as
the teacher. The comments should have several
They should be assertive—neither passive and
apologetic, nor unnecessarily hostile and aggressive
(Cantor, 1996). State the problem as matter-of-
factly as possible: “Joe, you are talking while I’m
explaining something,” instead of either “Joe, do
you think you could be quiet now?” or “Joe, be quiet!”
The first three steps describe ways of interacting that
are desirable, but also fairly specific in scope and
limited in duration. But in themselves, they may not
be enough when conflict persists over time and
develops a number of complications or confusing
A student may persist in being late for class, for
example, in spite of efforts by the teacher to modify
this behavior. Or two students may repeatedly speak
rudely to each other, even though the teacher has
mediated this conflict in the past.
Or a student may fail to complete homework, time
after time. Because these problems develop over
time, and because they may involve repeated
disagreements, they can eventually become stressful
for the teacher, the student, and any classmates
who may be affected. Their persistence can tempt a
teacher simply to dictate a resolution—a decision
that can leave everyone feeling defeated, including
the teacher.
2-Teaching Vocabulary communicatively.
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